CubanTop10 Show is a brand new show from Miami, created by Cubans who call America home…
One single goal: discover all Cuban talents from around the world!
The show follows David Lopez a Cuban teenager, who is proud of his Cuban-American heritage and is currently studying at Miami Beach Senior High…
The moment when that spark was lit, is when my mission was born. I want to give back to people like the ones that first sparked my love for the arts, and to hopefully give others that very same spark that was instilled within me. So shortly thereafter I arrived at CubanTop10 in order to honor my heritage and to have a platform to spread the flame to other people.David Lopez, “Autobiographical Synopsis” for CubanTop10
David set out to discover all Cuban talents from around the world to better understand his heritage…
To achieve his goal, the young teenager ask for help from experienced and talented Cuban people of the arts, media and television… Together they will discover, interview, and share weekly with the public the hidden talents, celebrities, and relevant figures of Cuban heritage around the world.
As a result of their investigative work, they will publish each week a new Top10 chart of the most famous Cuban talents in their respective categories…
They will invite the public to vote for “Most Popular Cuban Talents of the Year”, and also they will create the CubanTop10 Academy with proven talents to choose “The Best Cuban Talents of the Year”…
They will create more awards, contest, challenges, and events of all types, that are meant to discover, honor and promote the talented Cubans from around the world.
David set out to discover all Cuban talents from around the world, only just two years ago when he asked himself the question we all have made to ourselves at least once in our life: Who are the greatest Cubans of our time?