Challenge for Cuban Dancers is an original project to support Cuban Dancers wherever they may be …
In this first season of the CubanTop10 Show, we will reward with 5000 dollars, to the choreography and original video nonprofessional, that better interprets the tasty Cuban subject, Kizomba style, courtesy of the duet Beangel, titled “De tus besos”!
“De tus besos”, original theme by Beangel and Jose Miguel Velasquez, is available on iTunes and Youtube and is mandatory for all participants in this challenge…
Shall We Dance?
It is probably an exaggeration to say that all Cubans like dancing. Yet colloquial expressions, such as the one that affirms that we carry the rhythm in the blood, do nothing but reflect the feeling of a great majority…
It is true, that in all times, we have had great representatives of dance, which the world has recognized by their high interpretative levels and creativity, but no one has been so influential in our culture and traditions, as the insatiable taste for the new creations of Cuban dancers.CubanTop10 Show, EpisodeĀ 1
For them, and to support them in their artistic and personal aspirations, we have created the
Challenge for Cuban Dancers…
In this first season of the CubanTop10 Show, we will reward 5000 dollars, to the original choreography and video, that better interprets the tasteful Cuban dance, Kizomba style, courtesy of the duo Beangel, titled “De tus besos”…
You can record the dance with your phone or camera, following any of the styles that we show below, and send us your own video…
All dancers of Cuban origin can participate by just following the following rules of the contest…
Participants in the Challenge for Cuban Dancers should not share their finished videos with social networks until we publish them, because we want to make sure everyone has the same opportunity to win. The videos that do not comply with this first condition, will be disqualified automatically and we do not want that to happen, so we recommend you read the contest rules or ask us directly, through, anything you want regarding the Multiple tracks through which you can enter your video to the contest…
Only original video submissions.
At least one Cuban dancer.
All entries must use the Beangel’s song, “De tus besos”…
We have created this contest to support all those Cubans around the world who need to dance more than live!